Wednesday 4 October 2017

A Tense Meeting

Things that went well

I mainly helped with the acting and editing of the short film, it was fun to make and I think that there was a lot of well made shots and I enjoyed working with the people I did because we all played equally important parts in making the short film and everyone worked together really well. The shots and Camera angles that we used worked well because it put across a feeling of tenseness which complemented the objective of the short film.

Ways I can improve

There was a few continuity Errors in the shots and to improve this is would keep retrying the shot to get a better one to improve the overall quality of the production. This is also down to my inexperience in using the editing software, and in time my skills using the program will improve as I use it more. I unfortunately lost the Audio meaning that the video didn't come out as tense as I wanted it too. For future reference I will improve my knowledge of Premier Pro and try to learn more skills, and ill also manage all my files in an more organised manner because that will then allow me to make better quality productions.

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